Youth Formation 2024-25

explore faith + embrace community + expect & make a difference
Summer 2024 High School Summer Experence - Greece
Youth ministry at Trinity is active, thriving, and comes in many forms, all working together to build adult faith in our students from 6th to 12th grade. Formation comes through acolyting, service learning trips, retreats, community service hours, Sunday formation hour, and Trinity EYC.

Middle School - Root Cause Farm - 2024
Sunday Formation
Middle School Class (grades 6 and 7)
The class meets in Trinity’s youth area and can be accessed from the stairs to the right of the Tuton Hall kitchen or from the outside door into the same stairway. The classroom is on the left past the game room.
We will wonder together about how God seeks to be with us in this life and guide us along the way. We will recognize the gifts God has given us, celebrate our creative potential, and learn to interact as a community of faith. Some of the questions we will wrestle with are
“Who is God?"
“Why am I Here?"
High School Class (grades 8-12)
The high school class meets in Trinity’s youth area. It’s located under Tuton Hall and can be accessed from the stairs to the right of the Tuton Hall kitchen from the outside door into the same stairway. The classroom is the first room on the right of the youth kitchen.
The overall objective for Trinity’s high school class is to inspire theological thinking and facilitate the growth of our young people’s faith. We see the high school years as the time when our youth need to make a transition from simple stories of the Bible, to a more mature understanding of their Christian faith.
Confirmation 2025
The youth confirmation class is offered every year for students sixth grade and up. (The teaching at a level that is slightly higher than the average sixth grader is used to, and students are welcome to take it wherever they feel ready, and to take it multiple years.) We’ll gather in a classroom in the Oak Hallway with Rev. Amy from January 12-February 16 during the formation hour to discuss the basics of our faith. Students who attend at least five of the six sessions will be eligible for confirmation when the Bishop visits in the spring.More information will be sent by email in November.

Other Faith, Fun, and Formation Opportunities for Youth

Trinity Episcopal
Youth Community
Trinity’s EYC meets once a month, unless otherwise notified. This is a time for fellowship, fun, service projects, and social activities.
Dates for 2024-25
September 22
October 20
November 10
December 8
January 26
February 9
March 16
April 13
May 18
Service, Learning, & Mission Trips
Each year, we take at least one week-long trip in the last week of July. We’ve been all over the map, from Houston to Cuba, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. We went on a Freedom Ride to Atlanta, Birmingham, Selma, and Montgomery in 2021. In 2022, we went to San Jose, Costa Rica to help at Ascension Episcopal church. This past summer we served local nonprofits, and we went to Greece and walked in Paul's footsteps.
On these life-changing trips, typically alternating between international and national locations, youth develop and practice skills in intercultural competency, leadership, and service learning while also building deeper relationships with adults of faith and expanding their view of the world.
Middle School Summer Experience, July 10-13, 2023
Appalachian Regional Ministry in Robbinsville, NC.
Next year’s trip (July 8-11, 2024) is to be determined.
Service, Learning, & Mission Trips
Each year, we take at least one week-long trip in the last week of July. We’ve been all over the map, from Houston to Cuba, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. We went on a Freedom Ride to Atlanta, Birmingham, Selma, and Montgomery in 2021. In 2022, we went to San Jose, Costa Rica to help at Ascension Episcopal church. This past summer we served local nonprofits, and we went to Greece and walked in Paul's footsteps.
On these life-changing trips, typically alternating between international and national locations, youth develop and practice skills in intercultural competency, leadership, and service learning while also building deeper relationships with adults of faith and expanding their view of the world.
Summer 2025 trips and dates will be announced in October 2024.

Middle School Summer Experience, July 2024
Participation with Asheville Youth Missions serving at
Community Kitchen in Canton, Haywood Street Welcome Table, and Root Cause Farm.

High School Trip to Greece July 2024
Retreats and Camp
Part of the beauty of the Episcopal tradition is that individual parishes belong to the larger Church body. Retreats — whether weekend retreats or a week at Camp Henry — are essential, monumental times for students to meet other Episcopalians their age, go deeper in faith, and have some fun!
The Diocesan-sponsored Middle School Retreat is from Saturday, September 14 to Sunday, September 15, at 1 pm at Lake Logan Conference Center, in Canton, NC. For these Diocesean-sponsored retreats, you inform Debbie Cox that you want to attend and then register directly at diocesewnc.org. The cost for this retreat is $145.
This Diocesan-sponsored Fall Conference is held on Friday, November 22, from 7p — Sunday, Nov. 24, 1p at Lake Logan Conference Center. Again, for these Diocesean-sponsored retreats, you inform Debbie Cox that you want to attend and then register directly at diocesewnc.org.
There is also a Spring Conference: Friday, March 14 at 7p — Sunday, March 16 at 1p. For each retreat, the cost is $165.

Youth in Worship
As our youth grow we encourage them to begin taking their place in all the spaces of our church life. This includes regular Sunday worship. Regular worship is not just for adults; the church is not an adult-only space. All ages are welcome.
Acolyting (grades 3-12)
The acolyte’s role consists of lighting and carrying candles, flags, banners, gospel book, and in the procession and assisting the priest at the altar with Holy Eucharist during our weekly worship. The term acolyte is Greek, meaning “to follow.”
Worship Ministers (grades 11-12)
As students move into adult faith, we welcome them as lectors and chalice bearers, serving in worship by reading the day’s lesson or distributing the consecrated wine.
Youth Sunday (May)
On one Sunday in May, youth help plan and lead all parts of our 10:45 worship service: music, ushering, preaching, and more.

Frida Vassallo - Youth Sunday preacher.
Youth Ministry Calendar
AUG 18
AUG 25
SEP 14-15
SEP 22
SEP 29
OCT 20
OCT 26
NOV 10
NOV 22-24
NOV 17-19
JAN 12-16
JAN 26
FEB (tbd)
MAR 14-16
MAR 16
APR 13
APR 20
APR 4 or 11
MAY 4 or 11
MAY 17
MAY 18
JUN 23-26
Acolyte Training, 9:15a in the Nave
Kick-Off Sunday - Youth Formation begins
Middle School Retreat (Grades 6-8), Lake Logan
Trinity EYC
High School Yoga and Dinner - 4pm
St. Francis Day Service
Trinity EYC
Acolyte Festival at the Cathedral of All Souls
Saints Dinner, 6:00p (Youth Fundraiser)
Trinity EYC
High School Fall Retreat, Lake Logan
Deadline to Sign up for Confirmation
Acolyte Training, 12:00 n the Nave
Confirmation Class, 9:30 in the Oak Hallway
Trinity EYC
Music Revue/Steak Night, 6:00p, Youth encouraged to participate.
Trinity EYC: Diocesan snow tubing
High School Spring Retreat
Trinity EYC
Trinity EYC
Confirmation (TBD)
Youth Sunday (TBD)
5th Grade Retreat
Trinity EYC
Middle School Summer Experience (TBD)
High School Summer Experience (TBD)