All volunteers and staff members that work with children and youth must complete the Safe Church training.
During the school year, Middle and High School groups gather for Christian formation on Sunday morning and once a month for youth group.
youth PARTICIPATION opportunities
ACOLYTES- those who assist in worship at our 8:00 and 10:45 service. They lead processions with crosses, candles, banners and flags and assist the clergy in preparing the table for Eucharist. Children from third grade through twelfth grade are welcome to participate and we also have a few adults who serve as well.
INTERCESSORS- lay persons who assist in worship by reading the Prayers of the People at services. Intercessors assist at 8:00, 10:45 and 5:30. Intercessors are organized by the rector. Those interested should contact him at the church office. Lectors - lay persons who assist in worship by reading the scripture lessons during the 8, 10:45 and 5:30 services.
CHALICE BEARER/INTINCTION CUP- lay persons who assist in worship at our 8:00, 10:45 and 5:30 services by serving the chalice of consecrated wine during communion.
LECTORS- lay persons who assist in worship by reading the scripture lessons during the 8, 10:45 and 5:30 services.
Interested in participating in a service? Click here to contact our associate rector, Amy Peterson, by email.