Volunteer Opportunities

Office Volunteers Needed:
Welcoming visitors who come to the office, answering the phone, help preparing mailings, and more. It is possible to create your own schedule of helping, including days and times. This position helps immensely in letting staff and clergy concentrate on their responsibilities through the day. The usual time periods are either 9a-12:30p or 12:30p-4:00p but any amount of time is appreciated, so if you have an hour or so free that is also a big help. Contact Robyn for more information.

Appalachian Regional Ministry (ARM)
As part of Trinity’s outreach to the community, the Appalachian Regional Ministry (ARM) was established. We learned that Graham County is one of the poorest counties in the state and there was an existing program for food distribution in Robbinsville.
Tom Goodrich is the chairman of this committee. We currently have several volunteers who go to Robbinsville on the second Wednesday of each month to distribute food from Manna Food Bank and to prepare a meal that serves up to three hundred people.
We work with a local parish Liberty Missionary Church and their pastor Michelle Shiplet. We have provided clothes and books for children in the past. The committee meets on a bi-monthly basis. We need volunteers in computer technology assistance. There is also a great need for home repairs in the community.
If you are interested in helping in this ministry, please contact Tom Goodrich at tegoodrich@gmail.com.

"Heat & Serve": Church of the Advocate
Sunday Afternoons
Are you looking for a way to serve? The Church of the Advocate has a robust relationship with Food Connection; check out their website. Food Connection rescues food from partner restaurants, schools, and other organizations and gets those meals to ministries that serve the homeless. What are we looking for? Volunteers to help heat, plate, and serve the Sunday meal at the Church of the Advocate. What: Training provided to heat and serve a meal (no scratch cooking is involved). Where: In Trinity’s Undercroft. When: Arrive at noon on Sunday and be done by 2:30. Serve once every six to eight weeks. A schedule will be developed and you will be able to share when you are and are not available. Why: Serve your neighbors in need. Meet other Trinitarians. Have fun. Serve our community.

Meals on Wheels
Do you like to make people smile? Would you enjoy exploring different parts of Asheville? Do you enjoy spending time with friends? If you answered yes to these questions and have two extra hours a month, Meals on Wheels is the ideal volunteer opportunity!
Contact Meriwether Beatty (828) 713-0774 or MTB1@charter.net ) for questions or interest.

Sunday Breakfast "Cooks"
Volunteer to help cook and serve breakfast from 8:00 -9:30a on Sundays. Debbie does most of the work, but help scrambling eggs or flipping pancakes is greatly appreciated! Sign up on the bulletin board in Tuton Hall or email Debbie Cox at debbie@trintyasheville.org.

Lake Logan
Trinity volunteers head out to Lake Logan every Thursday for service and fellowship. Please join us as we continue to paint cabins, repair furniture, sew curtains, and manage the landscape.
Contact Fred Fairhead (fredfairhead@att.net) and Carlyn Pheil (carlynpheil@gmail.com) for more information.