Trinity's commitment to the local community is as old as the 19th century, when parishioners helped establish Mission Hospital and Grace and St. Matthias Episcopal Churches. Today, Trinity and its parishioners continue to support Outreach in our community both monetarily and with hands-on participation.
The main purpose of the Outreach Committee is to be good stewards of this budgetary commitment. The Committee periodically meets with organizations then reviews and recommends the dispersal of the budget to the Vestry based on need and the availability of funding.
The Outreach Committee is open to all parishioners and usually meets every other month on the second Tuesday.
If you have any questions about Outreach, please contact Liz Trask, the Outreach Committee Chairmain, by phone or email.
Appalachian Regional Ministry (ARM)
As part of Trinity’s outreach to the community, the Appalachian Regional Ministry (ARM) was established. We learned that Graham County is one of the poorest counties in the state and there was an existing program for food distribution in Robbinsville.
Tom Goodrich is the chairman of this committee. We currently have several volunteers who go to Robbinsville on the second Wednesday of each month to distribute food from Manna Food Bank and to prepare a meal that serves up to three hundred people.
We work with a local parish Liberty Missionary Church and their pastor Michelle Shiplet. We have provided clothes and books for children in the past. The committee meets on a bi-monthly basis. We need volunteers in computer technology assistance. There is also a great need for home repairs in the community.
If you are interested in helping in this ministry, please contact Tom Goodrich at tegoodrich@gmail.com.

AB Tech Lavender Fund
All Souls Counseling
American Red Cross WNC Chapter
Appalachian Regional Ministries
Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity
Asheville City Schools Foundation
Bounty & Soul
Carolina Resource Center for Eating Disorders
Caring for Children (operated Trinity Plan)
Children First Communities in Schools
Council on Aging of Buncombe County
Elida Homes
Hark (formerly Guardian ad Litem Assoc.)
Helpmate, Inc
Homeward Bound ‐ A Hope
Horizons at Carolina Day
Literacy Together (was Literacy Council)
Manna Foodbank
Meals on Wheels
Memory Care
Mountain Child Advocacy Center
Mountain Housing Opportunities, Inc
Music Works of Asheville
Open Doors of Asheville
Pisgah Legal Services
Swannanoa Valley Christian Ministries
Trinity Parish outreach work
Western Carolina Rescue Ministries
Western NC Aids Project (WNCAP)
YWCA Child Care
rev 2023-03-15
Trinity Episcopal Church
Outreach Guidelines and Application
Please note the requirements below that must be met:
1. Grantee organization must serve residents of Western North Carolina and
be tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code.
Please send items “a” and “b” below to Katie Chappel at Kivespc@gmail.com
a. A copy of the most recent IRS 501(c)(3) for your organization
b. A copy of the most recent Financial Statement on form 990 for your organization
2. Grantee must be based in Western North Carolina or have significant operations in
WNC from which it serves WNC residents only
3. Grantee may not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status,
religion, national origin, physical ability, or any other characteristic protected by law.
Focus Area:
Humanitarian services: programs that offer assistance to economically disadvantaged members of the community, with an emphasis on shelter, food, and children’s welfare (including education).
Additional Information:
Grant requests should not exceed $5,000 per organization
Grant funds are limited and the Trinity Outreach Committee may not be able to fund all applicants or provide the full amount requested by applicants.
Grant funds awarded must be used within one year of grant approval.