Debbie Cox
Director of Youth Ministries
Sunday Formation, Grades 6-12
Every Sunday Trinity’s youth rooms were open from 9:30 - 10:30 am as a safe space for youth to process their week and how it intersects with their faith. Youth ministry at Trinity is active, thriving, and comes in many forms, all working together to build adult faith in our students from 6th to 12th grade. Formation comes through acolyting, service learning trips, retreats, community service hours, Sunday formation hour, and Trinity EYC.
Adults who help with youth: Debbie Cox, Dave Hensley, Nanette Popa, Amy Peterson, Peter Hartwig, and parent volunteers.
Youth Formation at Home during Lent
Our youth and their families received Wild Hope by Gayle Boss to read during Lent. Here’s part of the publisher’s description: “Pangolins and polar bears, olms, lemurs, and leopards. We share this beautiful blue-green globe with creatures magnificent, delicate, intricate, and now vanishing faster than at any other time in Earth's history. Spend Lent with twenty-five of these wild ones. Vivid descriptions of their lives and beautiful black-and-white illustrations by David G. Klein will fill readers with wonder and grief at what they suffer on a planet shaped by human choices.. and these stories also attest that our hope, though wild, is not impossible.” The books were available for families to pick up at Shrove Tuesday and formation hour.
Continuing Education
This year, I had the opportunity to go to Austin, TX in May to network with other youth leaders and Reverend Lizzie. I got some great ideas for youth formation.
Youth Sunday​
Youth Sunday was Sunday, May 12. Frida Vassallo gave the homily virtually and in person. This year, we recognized 11 high school seniors and 8 college students in the service and on our website.
The Rev. Amy had a special six-week confirmation course to learn about the foundations of our Christian faith. We had youth gather on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:30, January 14-February 18, in the conference room in the oak hallway. We had Confirmation Sunday on April 28 and we had 20 youth confirmed
Middle School Experience 2024
Trinity had 4 teenagers participate in Asheville Youth Mission from July 8-11. Asheville Youth Mission offers mission immersion, mission experiences, and college opportunities for young people to serve and learn in the Asheville community.
We served at The Community Kitchen in Canton and Canton Presbyterian Church. We went to Haywood Street to help get ready for their Welcome Table on Wednesday. They feed 850 people every Wednesday. It such an important ministry in our community.We went to Root Cause Farm, where we cleaned beds, planted beans, and harvested potatoes. Also, we went to A-Hope, a branch of Homeward Bound and cleaned the facility.
High School Experience 2024
Trinity sent 11 teenagers and 3 adults to Greece June 11-22, 2024.
Participants: Amy Peterson, Peter Hartwig, Debbie Cox, Owen Pearson, James Price, Rosie Peterson, Conner Johnston, Siena Gentry, Will Ray, Matthew Ragaller, Harrison White, Rose Mills, Frida and Oly Vassallo
Trinity’s EYC meets once a month, unless otherwise notified. This is a time for fellowship, fun, service projects, and social activities. We met monthly and did the following this year:
Stargazing at UNC-A
Elf - The Musical
Lake Logan
Church of the Advocate
Skiing at the Catalooche
Eliada Corn Maze
Rise Against Hunger
After Hurricane Helene, our young people were out of school for a month. We had 2 EYC events on Wednesday, Frankie’s Fun Park in Greenville, SC and working in Big Ivy Community Center in Barnardsville, NC.
Palm Sunday Walk with Church Street Churches
This year, we did our annual “walk” with First Pres and Central. Families join together on Church Street and process with a donkey and palms to Pritchard Park for a short service.
Creation Celebration
​This past, June was our annual Vacation Bible School. We had 14 youth volunteer during the week.
All Saints' Candlelight Evensong
This year, all in our Western North Carolina community are welcome on Sunday, November 3, from 5:30 to 6:30 for a candlelight service of scripture, prayer, and music led by the Chancel Choir of Trinity. Invite your neighbors to join us for this healing service. As it concludes, we will take candles to the Memorial Garden and read the names of those interred there.
Advent Wreathmaking Event
This annual celebration involves all families creating an Advent wreath for their home, as well as taking home a Devotional Guide (Godly Play based) to mark the season.
Submitted by
Debbie Cox
Director, Youth Ministry