Sunday Worship, October 13

We come together to partake in our first act of service: worship. In worship, we gain the strength for service in the world and hope for tomorrow.
We are holding our 8:00 and 10:45 worship services. The 10:45 service will be live-streamed.
We still don't have water at the church. Please use the restrooms before you come. There is a bank of Porta-Potties on Hilliard Avenue next to the Orange Peel.
Without water and working bathrooms, we are hesitant to invite you to Trinity for over an hour. Consequently, there will be no breakfast, Sunday School, or Adult formation. For those who can, we will have some light refreshments after the 10:45 service. We have postponed the 5:30 service until the water returns. Many in our congregation have evacuated, and we are conserving energy and resources.
Sunday Schedule:
8:00 Holy Eucharist with music
10:15 Nursery — Beth Chestnut will be in touch with parents of infants concerning the possibility of the nursery taking place
10:30 Children's Hour in the Redwood Chapel begins
10:45 Holy Eucharist with Choir and light refreshments following
Refreshments in the Church Street Courtyard