Rise Against Hunger will be here at Trinity for the fourth meal packing event on October 15. The event will be in Tuton Hall and will run from 8:45am to 10:45am (You may join later than 8:45!) Bring a baseball cap (otherwise a hairnet will be provided.) This is a multigenerational event and everyone is welcome. There will be no Sunday School classes on this day. This highly impactful outreach event is done in one day! Our goal is to pack 10,000 meals and we can only reach this goal with the help of you and your family. Dr. Liz Trask is spearheading this effort. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to her by email ejtrask@charter.net. To learn more about the mission and impact of Rise Against Hunger, please visit their website (https://www.riseagainsthunger.org/) and peruse the information below! We hope you will join us to make an impact on the lives of people worldwide!

Do you have something wonderful to share? An interesting story? Celebrating a momentous occasion? Please reach out to Nanette by email: nanette@trinityasheville.org to be featured in your own edition of Stories that Matter.