Palm Sunday, April 10
The Blessing of the Palms and Eucharist
8:00a, 10:45a , 5:30p
The Acapella group Pastyme will sing at 5:30p
(the 10:45 and 5:30 services are also livestreamed)
Maundy Thursday, April 14
7:00p The Holy Eucharist with optional Foot Washing and Stripping of the Altar
(this service will also be livestreamed)
Good Friday, April 15
12:15p The Good Friday Liturgy with the Veneration of the Cross
5:30p The Good Friday Liturgy with the Veneration of the Cross
(the 5:30p service will also be livestreamed)
Saturday, April 16
8:oop The Great Vigil of Easter (A candlelight service)
+ Incense will be used
+ This service will also be livestreamed
+ A Champaign reception will follow
Sunday, April 17
7:00a The Holy Eucharist (an "8:00-like" service with multiple singers and one or two of the great Easter hymns)
8:00 - 10:45a Champaign Breakfast in Tuton Hall
8:30 - 12:30 Nursery Open
8:45 Children's Hour for the 9:00a service begins
9:00 A Choral Service of the Holy Eucharist with Brass Quartet and Full Chancel Choir
10:30 Easter Egg Hunt in the Chapel Courtyard
10:45 Children's Hour for the 11:00 service begins
11:00 A Choral Service of the Holy Eucharist with Brass Quartet and Full Chancel Choir
+The 11:00a service will also be livestreamed
+ The egg hunt happens in between services so that wether you are coming from the 9:00 service or going to the 11 service you can participate
+ The 9:00 and 11:00 services are identical