By: Randy Siegel

Trinity member Randy Siegel recently started a Facebook group for those who may be experiencing a “life quake.” Life quakes are those few times in our lives that shake us to the core and invite us to transform our lives. Examples include accidents, illness, divorce, financial reverses, and death. All of us experience them.
When faced with a life quake we have two choices. The first is to deny, or wallpaper, over the pain. The other is to be present to the circumstance, our self, others, and the Divine. By being present, we open ourselves to the gifts of deeper personhood, purpose, and peace.
You must have a Facebook profile to join. It’s easy to find. Do a search for “In The Belly Of The Whale With Randy Siegel,” and click “Join.” (Here’s a link:
Some topics the group hopes to address include how to:
Reframe circumstance; See the Big Picture; Uncover the gifts.
Tolerate emotional pain, perhaps even gain some appreciation for it.
Learn more about your true, authentic, highest self.
Become more compassionate.
Improve communications with loved ones during a crisis.
Find meaning in service.
Discover inner peace, regardless of the circumstances.
More importantly readers will be encouraged to share their own experiences.
Finally, a word about expectations. Randy writes, “Research shows the average length of a life quake is five years. Nothing will help the life quake be over sooner, nor will anything totally take away the emotional pain. We can, however, support one another and seek ways to navigate this difficult time with greater gra
ce and perhaps even gratitude.”
For questions regarding the group, please contact: Randy Siegel by email:
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