Cross made using debris from the River Arts District by Byron Ellen Shaw
Evensong Prayers of Lament and Hope
The Psalmist says that all those who go out weeping
will return with songs of joy.
God of every living thing,
we come before you with grief and with gratitude,
with repentance and with hope.
God, hear our prayers.
God, we remember the waters rising and the trees falling.
We wondered where you were
as homes and lives were swept away in the storm.
Our tears have been our food day and night.
How long, O Lord?
The rivers and streams that had made our hearts glad
The trees of the field that had clapped their hands
The mountains, to which we lifted our eyes
The roads that led us home:
So many were swept away.
How long, O Lord?
The lives that ended too soon.
May light perpetual shine upon them.
We confess our own complicity.
In what we have done
And what we have left undone
We have not loved your creation well.
Forgive us, O God.
Even now our home Is suffering
From lack of clean water and air
Lack of life-giving nourishment
Lack of safe habitat.
Help us to become aware
Of the needs of humanity,
Of the needs of generations to come,
Of the needs of soil and creatures.
We acknowledge that we have a chance:
To choose peace over profit
To choose activity over complacency
To choose a greater good over today’s convenience.
We give you thanks for first responders
and for those who have worked tirelessly
to restore our water and power systems,
to clear trees from our roads,
and to rebuild what has been lost.
In their service, we see your goodness.
We give you thanks for neighbors banding together
For everyone who chose generosity,
and willingly offered what they had
For those around the world who sent money and prayers and people
In their compassion, we see your compassion.
We give you thanks for the quick response of our government
For the state-to-state assistance
And support from FEMA.
In good governance, we see your rule reflected.
And as we remember all that we have lost
Enlighten our imaginations for what might come next.
Show us how to choose life as we rebuild.
Show us how to rebuild with justice and equity.
May our compassion for those who suffer disaster around the world grow:
Strengthen our hearts, O God.
Help us to love again.
Arouse in us a new compassion,
A willingness to change,
An excitement to foster community,
A faith in the abundance of your Kingdom.
A zeal for establishing the Peace and Justice of God,
A desire to set the Earth to rights
An understanding of the connectedness of all things,
A new appreciation of the gift of Earth. Amen
Parts adapted from adapted from Litany for the Earth