“Food for Thought; Seeds of Change”

On Sunday, April 21, Trinity held its second annual Earth Day celebration in collaboration with Central United Methodist and First Presbyterian. Each church hosted Earth Day activities for children, youth, and adults, allowing all to partake at Trinity and visit our sister churches. Trinity’s theme this year was “Food for Thought; Seeds of Change.” We explored all facets of our Common Ground – cultivating connections between our faith, food, and climate. There were fun and educational activities for children and youth, as well as informational opportunities for everyone. Our celebration focused on local, sustainable food, farming and CSAs, composting and recycling, climate advocacy, environmental stewardship, and native plants and pollinators. Representatives from Trinity's CSA partner, Olivette Farms, and from Ware, the zero-waste, refillables store in West Asheville were with us. Along with coffee hour refreshments, there were be local food samples, “dirt” cupcakes, seedlings, and an animal guest or two.