March 2, 2022 Ash Wednesday Dear Trinity Members and Friends, We write to let you know that after prayer and consultation, the Vestry has decided that beginning Monday, March 7, we will move to mask optional for all indoor activities. We have one more Sunday before this change. By Sunday, March 13, every indication is that the infection rate in our community will be considered “low.” Teachers and volunteers leading our youngest children, who are not yet eligible to be vaccinated, will remain masked and we are deeply grateful for their commitment and ministry.

Diocesan guidelines keep our modified communion practices in place for now. Although, we will return to using the communion rail as one of our stations at the 10:45 service. We also will begin the resumption of our healing station during worship, as that ministry can be reassembled. The evidence is clear that COVID vaccines are highly effective at preventing severe illness and death. We encourage those who are not vaccinated to speak with their physician about the risk level associated with participating in indoor events at Trinity.
Additionally, some of us will feel more comfortable continuing to wear a mask. As companions in Christ, we respect each person’s choice in continuing to wear a mask inside Trinity. We have done an amazing job in this area and we thank you for your continued support. Masking is likely to become a new aspect of our social and cultural lives. We encourage all to refrain from any assumptions concerning an individual’s motive for continuing to wear a mask. If someone is wearing a mask, it does not necessarily mean they are suggesting that you should wear a mask if you choose not to. There are hosts of reasons someone may feel the need to wear a mask, including
their own personal health profile or that of someone they live with. They may simply have an important function coming up that they are trying to remain well for. Shame is not a Christian virtue. So we shame no one for their choice in this matter. Masking, in some form, is likely to be a continuing part of our lives. Thank you for modeling what it's like to be a community of Christ that welcomes all. We continue to be thankful for our ability to remain connected through the COVID pandemic. We realize it is not yet fully over, yet with each small step, we give thanks.

Leslie Welker, Sr. Warden Mack Day, Jr. Warden Scott White, Rector