Last March, when Scott asked us (Susan Edwards, Barb Matthews, and Hank Methvin) if we would like
to take our weekly Contemplative Prayer group virtual on Zoom, we were apprehensive (mostly due to
the limits of our technology knowledge), but we gulped and said yes.
When we previously met in Redwood Chapel, our little group was very little – 3 to 6 people at the most.
But as we continued to meet on Zoom, God began a new and exciting work. Fellow Trinitarian Randy
Siegel (who was part of our in-person group) resides part-time in St. Simon's, GA, and he had started a
contemplative group there. When we went virtual, he asked if he could invite those participants to join us
on Zoom. We agreed and soon we had added over a half-dozen new beautiful souls to our community.
Later, our best friend from Pennsylvania joined us. We now even have someone who joins us regularly
from Ontario, Canada.

None of this would have happened had we not had to go virtual. Our little group would have remained small and touched very few. Because of pandemic restrictions, God busted down geographical barriers and a community was created that has become a blessing to all. Over this past crazy year of uncertainty
and chaos, we have created a safe place where all could be supported, where all can share their hopes, their trials and their fears, where we can pray, laugh and cry together, and where we can discern where and how God is leading us to serve and to be in these tumultuous times. Though many of us have never met the other in person, we have become a community journeying together and dedicated to living and
sharing God's love, and our welcome extends to all who would like to join us.
—Susan Edwards