All volunteers and staff working with children and youth must complete the Safe Church training.
Trinity bustles with families. From infants in the nursery through lanky fifth grade pre-teens, all are invited to join inTrinity's Christian formation programs for kids.
Our youngest Trinitarians begin in the nursery, where three certified, paid staff care for newborns through age 2. It is a comforting, cheerful setting where little ones experience love and safety, a must for supporting their continued spiritual growth.

Children’s Choir
5:00p on Wednesdays in the choir room located on the 2nd floor
led by Sharon Boone and assisted by Beth Chestnut.
Ages 4-first grade meet from 5:00 until 5:30. Grades 2-6 meet from 5:30-6:00. Children learn to sing, read music, count time, and learn the importance of music and leadership in worship. Our program is based on the values of the Royal School of Church Music.
stay connected with children's ministry
Our nursery is located off the main hallway and is staffed by trained, certified
staff. We serve infants through 3-year-olds who still need to be fully potty trained. Fully
potty-trained three-year-olds attend Godly Play 1. The nursery opens on Sundays
at 9:20 am. Please check the calendar for other services or events to see if Nursery care is offered.
Three year olds through pre-kindergarten use the Godly Play curriculum to explore the stories of our faith through three-dimensional materials and creative response time. Through this curriculum, children become familiar with liturgy and a way to make meaning of religious language.
Kindergarten through second grade: extends the depth and scope of the stories of our faith. A deeper understanding of the stories, symbols and rites of their faith continues their growth towards a more meaningful and appropriate participation in congregational worship.
Rite in the Middle- 3rd through 5th grades. This class continues with Godly Play, exploring more of the enrichment and extension lessons, as well as the core stories. Deeper theological reflections and connections are made with this age group. Response time encourages journaling, work with various art mediums, group projects and continued work with the stories themselves.
CHILDREN'S HOUR- Children’s Hour is our program offered after the Sunday School hour, for ages 3-2nd grade. We begin as soon as Sunday School ends at 10:30 am, with a light snack in our fellowship hall, followed by a brief service in the Redwood Chapel. In this service we use music, liturgy and story to begin shaping our sense of worship. Time permitting; we spend a few minutes on our beautiful playground!
FOUR FOR FAMILIES-Four times throughout the year families with young children (through elementary school) gather together for fun, fellowship and outreach. We usually meet seasonally with activities including cook outs by the river, Tourist baseball games, bowling, fall festivals and other family friendly activities. This gives families a chance to get to know one another better than is often possible on those hectic Sunday mornings! We offer nursery care for infants and crawlers for some of these activities.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL- We participate with other area churches of various denominations in a four day summer VBS called “Market Place 29 A.D.” Market Place is a joyful experience that invites our young to journey as members of one of the 12 tribes of Israel through the lively setting of a Judean town market set in the time of Jesus’ ministry. Market Place is usually held during the last week of June and is open to 3 year olds through 5th grade.
CLUB 345- Our junior youth group is called “Club 345”, because it consists of 3rd, 4th and 5th graders! We meet once a month, usually after the last church service to have fun, social activities together, do service projects and build a loving community. Our activities have included: snow tubing, hiking, roller skating, movies, hay rides, “fake sleepovers”, challenge courses for team building, canoeing and working at Manna Food Bank. We have so much fun together and it is a great way for students to get primed and ready for EYC.