
We give thanks to God for the many opportunities we have been given to help the underserved in our community. It is a real honor to help decide how best to utilize the charitable giving of our parish.
Our team has two primary functions. The first is to act as prudent stewards of money designated by the Trinity Vestry. We award grants to various organizations we believe are most effective and efficient helping individuals in need. The second function is to promote activities to encourage others to serve one another in Christ and provide “hands on” opportunities to serve and expand God’s Kingdom in the community surrounding our parish.
In our first function, we received $75,000 in 2024 for distribution to organizations that apply for grants. We consider the grant requests that are consistent with our goal of serving our neighbors with shelter, food, and children’s welfare. This year we supported 21 charities with $72,000 and left $3,000 for the Rector’s discretionary fund. We deeply appreciate Trinity’s Vestry and parishioners who have made our grant program possible. See the end of this report for a list of organizations our church sponsors.
In our second function of promoting “hands on” ministry opportunities, we continued to support the following ministry activities:
Our “Red Bag Food Drive” collects food for needy organizations.This year’s collections will go to the Church of the Advocate, Manna and Helpmate. Each drive has brought in many pounds of food and/or supplies. We all have been truly amazed and humbled by your generosity.
We continue to provide snacks to Creative Peacemakers. This is an after school program designed to help children learn and practice peacemaking through cooperative relationships and play.
We will partner again this year with First Presbyterian and Central Methodist to host Loaves & Fishes Alternative Market. The goal of this is to provide funding for 12 local ministries.
Trinity continued to support Habitat for Humanity this year with another Episcopal House build. Thanks to all who volunteered their time and money to a worthy cause that enables hard working citizens to become homeowners.
Trinity has been at the forefront of the Meals on Wheels program in Buncombe County, participating since the 1970’s with meal delivery teams. We are proud to have been a part of this very important ministry for many years.
Every other year in October we host an intergenerational event called Rise Against Hunger. This effort by so many in our parish helps generate up to 10,000 meals which are then distributed to those most in need here in the US or abroad.
We also hope to continue our partnership with Children First Communities to provide gifts for children who would otherwise not have any.
One of our objectives this year was to review, streamline and document the procedures to be followed in each of the above ministries. As a result of doing this, Trinity now has a new Outreach procedure manual that includes a team and a captain for each activity. This will help enormously especially when new members volunteer to help.
Our team continues to seek God’s Will and the direction of the Holy Spirit in seeking to serve our community. We welcome your participation and encourage you to become involved by joining our team and/or getting involved in an ongoing Outreach activity. Please contact me at tegoodrich@gmail.com if you have any questions concerning the Outreach Team.
Thank you again for your generous support of the ministries of Trinity Outreach!
Respectfully submitted,
Tom Goodrich