What will people say years from now?

Associate Rector
The Rev. Amy Peterson
2024 was a full year of ministry at Trinity, including many highlights: new Lenten formation programming, a robust women’s retreat, the rector’s sabbatical, VBS, the youth trip to Greece, stronger community partnerships in creation care and the arts, and increased opportunities for worship. We continue to grow in numbers and engagement and spiritual maturity.

Assistant Rector
The Rev. Mike Reardon
Much has been accomplished since I arrived in January of 2024. I have acclimated to a new
organizational system, and the liturgical customs that are familiar to Trinity Church. Through
preaching, presiding, and assisting at each of our church’s service, I have come to understand and feel familiar with my liturgical function here.

Vestry Nominees ​
Class of 2027
The Senior Warden's Report​ - Vestry
Nancy Dexter
This year began with the annual Vestry Retreat on January 5-6 at Lake Logan. The main purpose of the retreat is for the fifteen Vestry members, five of which are new each year, to get to know one another. The attendees include the Rector and Associate Rector. Scott’s mantra for the retreat is that new Vestry members help create a new team each year, making it richer, rather than adding new members to an existing, static structure. I can attest to the success of this approach.

Bible Study & Group Learning​
At Trinity, we are lifelong learners because we are lifelong disciples, called to love God with all our heart, with all our strength, and with all our mind — from the smallest of children to the most seasoned of adults. At Trinity, there is a place for you to learn and grow closer to Christ and your neighbor, no matter where you find yourself in life. Throughout the year, we explore the heart of the Christian faith, challenge ourselves to live more deeply into Christ's way of love, and engage critically with the real-world issues that confront modern life. We have formation classes every Sunday as well as special topical series or featured speakers at different times throughout the year.
Worship is at the very heart of our life together. In it we are drawn inward as God discovers us and we discover God. We are drawn together as we support one another on our journey. We are drawn into the world around us as we share the experience of the living Jesus we find here. We are fed by both word and sacrament to live our faith that we share.
Outreach and Pastoral Care
The strength of a church is definitely not confined to Sunday worship. As much prayerful work goes on outside the nave as within it, through the time and energy offered by a host of volunteers. Much of this work is invisible, but crucial not only to the stability and smooth operation of the parish, but to the joy and comfort of the church community as a whole.