Trinity offers an abundance of adult formation opportunities throughout the week in which we explore our faith through prayer, study, and fellowship. Through these groups, we grow in our faith as a community seeking to understand more deeply how to love God and love our neighbor to make a difference in the world.
Other Opportunities for Adults

The Women’s Bible Study
Tuesdays from 9:30a to 11:00a
Conference Room and via Zoom.
Rev. Amy Peterson is leading this study; all women are invited to attend. For information, contact Robyn McNeal (robyn@trinityasheville.org).
Becoming Beloved Community Book Group
Wednesdays 6:30-8:00
This group meets on Wednesdays during the year (August-May) from 6:30-8:00 in the Clark Room and on Zoom book discussion. Facilitators Sharon Lechner and Page McCorkle invite members to discuss the intersection of social and environmental justice with the dominant culture of white supremacy. In addition, Barb Matthews and Susan Edwards will guide us in contemplative practices as part of each meeting. The group provides space to explore challenging topics and to support one another in learning more about the experience of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in America. Facilitators guide the group to seek God’s wisdom through learning and dialogue to help heal and build a beloved community. To join, email pageconnermccorkle@gmail.com.

Trekking in the 828
In 2021 TREKKING IN THE “828” was started for our older parishioners consisting of day trips to nearby sites. The objectives were threefold:
Offer opportunities for parishioners over 65 to meet and interact socially with new and long-term members of the Parish
Offer Senior parishioners a chance to get out and about on fun and educational experiences during and after Covid
Provide opportunities to learn more about our community and the region, in group events with transportation provided
The program has been well received and continues for those parishioners 55 and older. Most “treks” limit the number of participants, some have entrance or guide fees, depending on what is planned. Sign-up is required and handled by Jo Rice’s office at Trinity. Details will be announced in the Parish Friday newsletter online and in Sunday bulletins for
several weeks prior to each “trek”.
If you have any questions, please call Mary Bruce or Steve Woody at (828) 274-0530 or e-mail at
swwoody@ earthlink.net

2nd Chapter Book Group
This traditional ladies' book group meets the second Thursday every other month at 10:00a to discuss current books of interest (fiction and nonfiction). The books for 2024 are:
February 8 Women Rowing North by Mary Pipher
April 11 Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver
June 13 Dear Edward by Ann Napolitano
August 8 Varina by Charles Frazier
October 10 The Second Life of Mirielle West by Amanda Skenandore
For more information, contact Barbara Fotinos, bfotinos@gmail.com.

Daughters of the King
The Order of the Daughters of the King is a national order and we have an active group for
women at Trinity. We meet once a month, usually on Sunday after church, and our mission is to
extend Christ’s Kingdom through prayer, service, and evangelism. We do book studies, and service projects and offer prayers for our church members and for any special requests. Our members volunteer for many different programs at the church. Any woman interested in joining or inquiring is invited to contact Nancy McCorkle at nkmccorkle@gmail.com or 912-224-5387. We welcome anyone who wants to attend one of our meetings or who would like to join as a member.

Trinity Caregivers’ Group
Second Friday of the Month by Zoom
We welcome all who care for a loved one or loved ones (local or at a distance) who is/are diagnosed with some form of dementia. We discuss particular challenges and share our experiences. Dr. Corkie Morrill (retired geropsychologist) and Peggy Buchanan (retired deacon and nurse) facilitate the group. Open to all Trinitarians.
Call or email Corkie Morrill (828-684-3972) or corkiemorrill@charter.net.